vinOstiq sulfite remover for wine

Article number: 70111
Availability: In stock (1)

The most effective sulfite removal for wine lovers seeking to reduce intake of harmful chemical preservatives and negative side effects. Dip the vinOstiq into your wine glass and swirl. With simple swirls you will remove sulfites and benefit from fewer side effects like morning-after headache, upset stomach, and facial redness. The removal of the sulfites also reduces free radicals, a major cause of chronic health problems. Enjoy wine the way the winemaker intended, without sulfite preservatives. Celebrate, knowing you reduced your consumption of harmful chemicals. About vinOstiq: Each vinOstiq treats a single glass of wine (single use). Individually sealed to easily fit in your purse or pocket. Works on your favorite red, white, rose and sparkling wines.

BPA-free and 100% recyclable specially treated wooden stir stiq.

Patented technology & sustainably

made in the USA

100% FDA-permitted food-grade ingredients

Each box contains 4 individually wrapped vinOstiqs.

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